President's Message - Summer 2023

President's Message - Summer 2023

Shadehill, SD | August 18, 2023

Dear Members of the British White Cattle Association,
Warm greetings to all. I hope you are doing well and having an enjoyable summer. We’ve had some unseasonably cool and rainy weather the past few weeks here in Perkins County, which is making the cattle and the rest of us very happy. Usually, our world wears a sort of spent, sad brown this me of year, and it gives one a certain hope and brightness to see the soft grass and the greens all coming back again.

I’m sure you all feel as I do that it is a great blessing to be living and working on the land, caring for these beautiful white cattle and doing for our families. Life isn’t all joy, of course, sometimes it’s tough, but still, we have much to be thankful for, not the least of which is that the loving Lord saw fit to set us down here in this great country, the United States of America.

Well, our BWCAA Annual Meeting is coming up in just a little over a month. The event will be held on the weekend of October 6 at the Red River Valley fairgrounds in Paris, Texas, and our hosts will be Robert and Marilyn Krause. I’m sure it will be a memorable weekend with some great speakers, hands on activities and vising with friendly, like-minded people. We hope to see many of you there.

Members should have received a copy of the Annual Meeting Agenda. If you have any questions or concerns, feel free to call at the office, and we will try to help you in any way we can.

May the Lord bless you and your families and business and give you a great rest of the summer.

Jonathan Wiechmann
President BWCAA

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