Do You Tattoo?
Did you know that all registered British White Cattle need to have a tattoo? No, not a heart on their arm with Mom in it, an ear tattoo that tells us which cow they are. The tattoo should start with letters that are unique to the farm they were born on. Next comes a number just for them. Last is a letter that matches up with the year they were born. The letters I O V and Q are not used.
Check the chart to see what the official letter was for the year you were born. Many breeders like to name calves starting with the official letter. In 2025 the letter will be N and we want to know your best calf names starting with N. Send them in to the office to be featured in the next newsletter and be eligible for a prize!
Kids with Cameras
Do you like taking pictures of your cute calves or your favorite cows? Here are some tips!
1. Be sure to check out what is around the cow. Is there a telephone pole behind her that looks like it is sticking out of her head? Is she chewing and making a funny face?
2. Try crouching down or climbing up high. Different angles are fun!
3. Make a silly noise or do something goofy to get them to look at you and put their ears up. Maybe even try a treat.
Better pictures help us to show people about our great breed. Do you have a good photo? Send it in to the office and it might get used on the website. *submittal constitutes release.
Calf Yoga
Being born is hard work! Did you know that one of the best ways to help calves that are struggling after birth is to put them in the Calf Recovery Position? Their neck should be straight. Their front legs should be either tucked under them or stretched out in front and their back legs should be on each side with their hooves by their ears. Doing this helps open up their lungs and lets them catch their breath.
Try getting in Calf Recovery Position as best as you can and taking a few deep breaths. What other cow yoga poses can you think of? Maybe a grazing mama cow or a napping bull.