The British White Cattle Association has consistently supported many Show opportunities that our members have made available through their hard work and diligence. A few of these have been the creation of British White Breed classes at the Arizona Livestock Show, Oklahoma Youth Expo and the Oklahoma City State Fair. We are most grateful that Shows featuring British White Breed classes are now available for our Members to show in and hope that there will become more of these in the future.
In addition to the British White Cattle Association of America supporting these types of shows, we would like to introduce the new Promotional Regions Program. Our membership resides in many states throughout the country and there are challenges with regards to being able to hold events and meetings at a time and location that would be accessible fairly to all. By creating Promotional Regions, we should be able to better serve our membership by creating opportunities for promotional events that are more accessible to all. The members who wish to become more active by organizing and promoting events in their region would know the best time of year, when there may be conflicts with other shows in their region, the best locations and venues as well as being able to find sponsors and advertisers to help defray many of the costs that may be involved.
Promotional Regions:
- North West Region: Washington, Oregon, Idaho, Montana, North Dakota, South Dakota, Nebraska, Kansas
- South West Region: California, Arizona, New Mexico, Colorado, Utah, Wyoming, Nevada
- North Central Region: Minnesota, Iowa, Michigan, Missouri, Wisconsin, Illinois
- North East Region: Indiana, Ohio, Kentucky, Virginia, West Virginia, New Hampshire, New Jersey, New York, Maine, Massachusetts, Pennsylvania, Connecticut, Vermont, Rhode Island, Delaware, Maryland, District of Columbia, also includes Canada at this time
- South East Region: Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Alabama, Georgia, Tennessee, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina
- Texas Region: Texas, also includes Mexico at this time
- Oklahoma Region: Oklahoma
For more information and full program rules, please go to our Promotional Regions Program webpage.